Some People Still Read Books

Some People Still Read Books

Blesseth the curfew… Never had to kill more time at an airport than when checking in for a plane departing hours after the 10 p.m. Thai curfew kicks in. What better than just, well, look around. Same old Df / Distagon 28/2 combo. Now that third photo could have more easily been shot with a […]

Random Pics #3 — Nikon Df and the Violin Girl

Random Pics #3 — Nikon Df and the Violin Girl

Had a lovely encounter in the park the other day: heard from far away a violin playing. Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major. It was a girl, Chinese, enjoying playing her violin all by herself in the clear morning light and fresh air. At first hesitant, she smilingly let me observe — and photograph her playing. […]

Nikon Df Hands-On — The Closest SLR to a Leica, Minus Rangefinder

Nikon Df Hands-On — The Closest SLR to a Leica, Minus Rangefinder

By BRIAN SWEENEY The Nikon Df brings to SLR’s what the Leica M-E and M Monochrom bring to rangefinders: a 21st century incarnation of classic camera controls into a full-frame digital camera. The Leica allows use of manual focus lenses going back over 80 years, rangefinder-coupled and in the 24x36mm format that they were designed. […]

Hands-On With the Retro Nikon Df (f for Fusion)

Hands-On With the Retro Nikon Df (f for Fusion)

First off: the Nikon Df is a kind of trinity between D4, Leica M and good old film. Right, of the D4 that costs $6k and Leica $7k. And I am the only one excited?! Online commentaries are rather condescending, accusing Nikon of too much and not enough retro for the sake of retro. But […]

The Nikon Df File

The Nikon Df File

Non-mirrorless and pentaprism are not yet dead after all. Nikon makes a bold statement with the Nikon Df — photography’s heritage isn’t dead at all. You might not want the latest, bestest sensor — albeit three years old, its sensor rocks. Maybe what’s here is already perfect enough. Right, you bet this camera is an […]