Getting It Right in Camera

It’s purists vs. pragmatists — is it possible to shoot something “correctly” in the camera without post-processing? Not a friend of post-processing, I prefer to rely on the camera’s processing — which in itself is already a form of post-processing. Now here’s a telling Adorama video on the necessity of post-production. The camera, however, can get pretty darn close, concludes host Mark Wallace.

Here’s a bunch of testing, your’s to decide. There’s no way around post-production to really bring out a photograph? For instance, you don’t get absolute blacks and absolute whites in camera.

You have to do the best you possibly can to get the best out of camera, but especially in commercial photography: there’s no photograph without heavy post-production. There’s no ad that’s shot right in the camera.

Still, call me irreformable. As a photojournalist I try to get it right in camera. Couldn’t sell much if I’d depend on post-processing. It’s all about fast, reliable output. About the moment, isn’t it.